WE RECENTLY ASKED Jennifer a few questions to help you get to know her a bit better. Here are her answers – thought you’d find them interesting!!
Is there a special meaning or story behind your name?
My grandmother was named Virginia and they called her Ginny, so they named me Jennifer and call me Jenny.
How did you decide to get into dentistry?
In 2020 I needed a career change. Working in hospice was rewarding. I loved working with patients, but wanted to work in restorative medicine. I chose dentistry.
Where did you go to school?
I took all my dental assisting, radiography and expanded functions at Carroll Community College.
What is your favorite cuisine?
I love all kinds of food. I want to keep trying new things. I could never pick a favorite.
What is your favorite book or movie genre?
The Spirits Book, by Allen Kardek
What is a special talent you have?
I can find the positive in anything.
What advice can you provide those that are hesitant about going to the dentist?
Find a dentist you can trust and develop a relationship with them. Mouth health reflects whole body health. Come to Freedom Dental Care and let us care for you!
Do you have any pets or a cool hobby you look forward to when you get home from work?
I enjoy the practice of yoga. It has enriched my life.
